Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Fun Transfer Technique DIY
I want to show you a fun and easy way you can transfer any home printed photo to fabric .
It's a great technique any quilter can benefit from without the need to buy the special inject cotton sheets or different stiffeners which here where I live is impossible to find ,but even if you can easily obtain some yourself,this will be just another fun DIY to master
To start with you'll need -
It's a great technique any quilter can benefit from without the need to buy the special inject cotton sheets or different stiffeners which here where I live is impossible to find ,but even if you can easily obtain some yourself,this will be just another fun DIY to master
To start with you'll need -
- a photo printed with inject printer on your standard photo paper
- cotton fabric
- 70% alco-gel (Hygienic Hand Gel-for cleaning the hands without soap and water )
Soak the fabric with the ALCO GEL
Take the photo you want to transfer and place it face down on the wet cloth
Put some more gel onto the photo
Rub gently
Lift a tad to see how the transfer coming along (if not transferred well enough,rub the photo some more)
When you happy with the result,lift the photo and dry with fan
I coloured my transfer with aquarelle pencils to make the colours pop back cause the finished result does come out faded ,but either way ,I like this fun technique
P.S I don't know if this transfer method will work with professional lab printed photos,so be aware :)
and this is how the original photo will look like after you'd finish with it
You can do a little line-art to it as I did here or just toss it and enjoy your new "canvas printed picture"
Friday, November 16, 2012
Today's Do-Pucca's Buns
I do Sierra's hair every morning,but rarely have the time to post about it here on my blog :(
However,since I saw a general interest in the hair styles I do for my girls,I though I'll find the time to make some slideshows of the most recent styles I made for Sierra :)
I call this updo Pucca's Buns :D
You can see how this one is done here
However,since I saw a general interest in the hair styles I do for my girls,I though I'll find the time to make some slideshows of the most recent styles I made for Sierra :)
I call this updo Pucca's Buns :D
You can see how this one is done here
hair styling,
little girls hairdo,
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Another Recycling Project
Remember Sierras ladder closet?
Well it's no longer serves as a closet and now it has reborn into a book shelf :)
And let me tell ya,it's one AWESOME piece-it's not that I haven't liked this same ladder as a closet,but I much more adore it as a shelf
It's like cat with seven lifes ,and this is it's 3rd adventure :D
I wonder what reincarnation will bring the future for this vintage ladder...
Well it's no longer serves as a closet and now it has reborn into a book shelf :)
And let me tell ya,it's one AWESOME piece-it's not that I haven't liked this same ladder as a closet,but I much more adore it as a shelf
I wonder what reincarnation will bring the future for this vintage ladder...
But meanwhile
My BIG Win and the FABULOUS Slip Covers
Remember a few months back I told you about my BIG win at Upcycle my Sofa competition thrown by Comfort Works and IKEAfans...
Well my NEW slip covers had arrive!!!!!!!
Can you believe how excited I was!!! OMG!!! so,so excited !!!!
And when I finally dressed my old IKEA Ektrop with my GORGEOUS new covers I literally gasped -they turned out so STUNNING !!! Truly a work of art.
So a month later ,after my youngest managed to draw with a BLACK marker (yep...BLACK) on the Chaise Lounge and made some pee on it too (I potty train her ,so it's pretty much inevitable ) I have a GREAT review for the covers to share with you
First of all Comfort Works's team is so wonderful to deal with-they are very prompt communicators and very eager to help ! And that is a HUGE plus right here from the begin with and that is even prior to you buying from them anything...
Second pro is the fact that they send a free samplers which is very helpful!
We buy through internet from sellers all across the world ...sellers that a few years back we had never have the chance to even know about...and it's great...BUT there is nothing like the option to see in your own eyes and touch with your own hands...So having Comfort works sending me swatches was great and really helped me to sort through numerous beautiful samples :)
Eventually ,I went with "Augustine Camomile" and you can see in your own eyes how "granny style" chic it is
So here is the BIG REVEAL ...Drams for my new covers please ..............Behold my BEAUTY
I also got two rolled cushions ,but I don't have an insert for the yet
I so glad that Rachel from Comfort Works,went with my craze and was willing to have her team sew for me some unordinary cushions and not the simple square ones (I told you they are a great and willing team of people :)
And know what else is great-they made the round floor cushion to fit the IKEA's inflated EKORRE swing cushion which happens that we just have purchased for Sierra's room a month ago
The second cushion I actually plan to fill with old upcycled track tire which I think should fit to size of the cushion pretty well too (or at least I hope so)
So here you go ,now you've seen my covers,but what you haven't heard yet,is how EASY they are to clean!!!!
I sure you all are still in sock that Sheluvi has drawn on the covers already,but DON"T worry :)
with a little trick* I have remembered ,I managed to FULLY remove her doodle!!!!
Wanna know my trick?! It's crazy simple ingredient we all have in our fridge -MILK!!!!
Yes, milk's enzyme FULLY removed the black ink-NOTE that for your future kid's Picaso :D
And of course I removed the pee's smell with a dash of simple soda powder ....
And.... the common greasy hands stains, I just wipe off with a baby wipe-YES,that is how easy to clean my new covers!!!!
So it's GORGEOUS and kids friendly too-two birds in one hand :D
And the other hand enjoys from the smooth feel of the velvet like material
Here is how this material is described by Comfort Works:
"This sensational print collection takes floral design to an exciting new level of allure. Update your living space with vintage European inspiried botanicals on a micro-suede textile. Order a sample and fall instantly in love with its dream-like texture "
So,so TRUE!!!
Thank You a bunches Rachel and Comfort Works team for making my living space so much more alluring -anyone who had seen it ,was amazed and immediately got a good word of you :)
Well my NEW slip covers had arrive!!!!!!!
Can you believe how excited I was!!! OMG!!! so,so excited !!!!
And when I finally dressed my old IKEA Ektrop with my GORGEOUS new covers I literally gasped -they turned out so STUNNING !!! Truly a work of art.
So a month later ,after my youngest managed to draw with a BLACK marker (yep...BLACK) on the Chaise Lounge and made some pee on it too (I potty train her ,so it's pretty much inevitable ) I have a GREAT review for the covers to share with you
First of all Comfort Works's team is so wonderful to deal with-they are very prompt communicators and very eager to help ! And that is a HUGE plus right here from the begin with and that is even prior to you buying from them anything...
Second pro is the fact that they send a free samplers which is very helpful!
We buy through internet from sellers all across the world ...sellers that a few years back we had never have the chance to even know about...and it's great...BUT there is nothing like the option to see in your own eyes and touch with your own hands...So having Comfort works sending me swatches was great and really helped me to sort through numerous beautiful samples :)
Eventually ,I went with "Augustine Camomile" and you can see in your own eyes how "granny style" chic it is
So here is the BIG REVEAL ...Drams for my new covers please ..............Behold my BEAUTY
Here is a panoramic view of my living room with my new GORGEOUS sofa
and.....remember I also got a special bonus price...
So here is one of the four lovely round and roll cushions I've got/
Made with......YEP,my old drawn slip covers :)
I asked for a rushed sides and these turned out so pretty^^Made with......YEP,my old drawn slip covers :)
I also got two rolled cushions ,but I don't have an insert for the yet
I so glad that Rachel from Comfort Works,went with my craze and was willing to have her team sew for me some unordinary cushions and not the simple square ones (I told you they are a great and willing team of people :)
And know what else is great-they made the round floor cushion to fit the IKEA's inflated EKORRE swing cushion which happens that we just have purchased for Sierra's room a month ago
The second cushion I actually plan to fill with old upcycled track tire which I think should fit to size of the cushion pretty well too (or at least I hope so)
So here you go ,now you've seen my covers,but what you haven't heard yet,is how EASY they are to clean!!!!
I sure you all are still in sock that Sheluvi has drawn on the covers already,but DON"T worry :)
with a little trick* I have remembered ,I managed to FULLY remove her doodle!!!!
Wanna know my trick?! It's crazy simple ingredient we all have in our fridge -MILK!!!!
Yes, milk's enzyme FULLY removed the black ink-NOTE that for your future kid's Picaso :D
And of course I removed the pee's smell with a dash of simple soda powder ....
And.... the common greasy hands stains, I just wipe off with a baby wipe-YES,that is how easy to clean my new covers!!!!
So it's GORGEOUS and kids friendly too-two birds in one hand :D
And the other hand enjoys from the smooth feel of the velvet like material
Here is how this material is described by Comfort Works:
"This sensational print collection takes floral design to an exciting new level of allure. Update your living space with vintage European inspiried botanicals on a micro-suede textile. Order a sample and fall instantly in love with its dream-like texture "
So,so TRUE!!!
Thank You a bunches Rachel and Comfort Works team for making my living space so much more alluring -anyone who had seen it ,was amazed and immediately got a good word of you :)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Birthday Photo-shot
Photo Booths and unique Backdrops are a MUST in any up to date birthday parties these days,so Sierra's party had to have one too :)
I went with a hybrid between a photo-booth and a cool backdrop (in my previous post I showed a quick process of making my backdrop /photo booth) and now the results are in-
Here's how FUN it was---->
AND here is Me peaking out in the background doing hairdo for one of Sierra's little friends :)
I went with a hybrid between a photo-booth and a cool backdrop (in my previous post I showed a quick process of making my backdrop /photo booth) and now the results are in-
Here's how FUN it was---->
Sierra with Ariel near the GIANT paper roses (not that you can see'em much at the photo..but they were there :D )
Sierra,Zivi and Tohar
Sierra,Zivi,Tohar and Shemesh
Sierra with Roni
Sierra,Shemesh and Roni
Sierra,Ariel and Shemesh
Sierra with Ofri
Sheluvi is having a drink after getting a mani (padi was not included at the party lol )
Sierra with Hadar and Libi
YEP...It was a BLAST !!!
I wonder what theme my next party will have-I LOVED planing and building the set for this one so much I can't wait to have the chance to throw another birthday bash (Shelvi is next!!! Stay tuned :) )
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Continuation of the 5th Birthday Bash Marathon
So every good party has to have great food right ?!
And we first of all eat with our eyes...So here I am working on some pretty food wrappers
I started with cupcake wrappers
EVERYBODY likes a nice ,good chocolate cupcake right!
And how can you not LOVE it if it has a dress like this
Ever wondered why these decorative cupcake wrappers are so expensive?!
Well I know why-removing all the cut outs to reveal the design is a tedious work-but what won't I do so Sierra will have a pretty desert table,even remove piece by piece and by hand all the little pieces
And you already saw the cake stand me and Sierra had previously made
So what has left is to show you the actual deserts :p
Here is what I did serve -
Banana Caramel Cream desert
I made the cake to look as if it's the hat of the cake stand's drawn girl- Derbi Hat ^^ :)
Here is how the cake looked after we cut it
And we first of all eat with our eyes...So here I am working on some pretty food wrappers
I started with cupcake wrappers
EVERYBODY likes a nice ,good chocolate cupcake right!
And how can you not LOVE it if it has a dress like this
Ever wondered why these decorative cupcake wrappers are so expensive?!
Well I know why-removing all the cut outs to reveal the design is a tedious work-but what won't I do so Sierra will have a pretty desert table,even remove piece by piece and by hand all the little pieces
How pretty is this little treat^^ ,ha?!
And you already saw the cake stand me and Sierra had previously made
So what has left is to show you the actual deserts :p
Here is the D e s e r t T a b l e
AND here is a laugh -check out what's missing?! The cupcakes lol
I forgot to put them on the cake stand :D
I discovered them been missing only after the party has ended
Here is what I did serve -
Cherry Pana Cotta
Chocolate Fudge Cake with Orange Ganache
White Chocolate Lemon Italian Meringue Butter cream Macaroons
Chocolate Eggs
Almond Candy Eggs
Pink Popcorn
AND for the grand finale ......drums please......
Pink Ombre Coconut /Lemon Apple cake with Lemon Italian Meringue Butter cream
and Marshmallow dough flowers
The cake and the pink dolly balls decorations
close up to the flowers
Cake stand carrying it's cake
I made the cake to look as if it's the hat of the cake stand's drawn girl- Derbi Hat ^^ :)
Here is how the cake looked after we cut it
Sweet layers of pink JOY
Happy 5th Birthday my BEAUTIFUL child!!!!
cake stand,
cupcake wrappers,
desert table,
ombre cake
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sierra's 5th Birthday Marathon
My oldest daughter ,Sierra has turned 5 this Saturday and I planned her a Beauty Parlor birthday bash with P I N K & L I M E color essence
I actually began to work on the party decorations almost a month and a half ahead!
That is because after 30+ years of getting to know myself I figured that I ALWAYS leave preparations for the LAST minute and then in an extreme hurry do all at ones,that is during the night of course :D
So this time I decided to plan ahead and try to finish all in time (by the way,it didn't work-I still somehow manages to leave a couple of thing till the last minute and actually was making handmade lip balms favors half an hour before Sierra's friends had arrive...)
Well.that's me and that's how I roll,so I guess there is nothing I can do about it,I like working in stress!
P r e p a r a t i o n s
I started with Sierra's dress
I decided to go for a full skirt with hand sewn tulle rosettes and sequin strapless sew on top!
It took me 3 whole days to finish the skirt only-I truly learned to appreciate those who make the rosette fabrics you see on the bridal gowns this season. It's a CRAZY time consuming project!!!
But the heart wants what the head had design and so after investing literally days on the skirt I was VERY pleased with the result
Then was the time to make the party decorations :)
A while back I saw on pinterest these lovely dolly ball decorations which I really liked and immediately knew that I have to make them for some party and here came my chance :-)
As usual I couldn't find colorful dollies here locally so I had to order them from the US ...
I found the prettiest pink dollies on E-Bay and even got some red ones as a freebie with my order :)
This was fairly quick project with absolutely stunning results
After I finished with these cuties I wanted to make yet another Pinterest project-Butterflies Mobile
Now this one was on my to do list for a very long time ...Let me tell you one thing,if you don't have Silhouette cutter or too much time on your hands,don't try to make this one!!!
Even with Silhouette it took days to cut all the butterflies !
The one thing I liked about making this mobile other then the beautiful result is that I could have get rid of all the paper scraps I had laying around for years without been used
I made the base from all upcycled materials of course (you know me,I'm not the one to go and buy things to make things...)
And so,the upper small circle was made of bicycle's pedal gear and the big bottom circle was made of tunnel for electrical wires I took from my hubby's stash .
Initially ,I wanted to use Michael's old twisted bicycle's wheel but it was just to big .Then I wanted to take one from Sierra's old bikes which would have been perfect,but she didn't let me :D ,so I went with the tunnel ^^ After I found the bases ,I cut hundreds of butterflies and glued them onto the bases.
I attached the bases to each other with 3 wide ribbons and added leaf die cuts between the spaces
To hang the mobile I took a plastic cone from ended sewing thread ,stack a wine cork into it and screwed a hook in it (upcycling EVERYWHERE I tell you lol)
To complete the royal chandelier I added some blings and vu a la a Butterfly galore
What next...what next...GIANT paper flowers of course :)
These were also found on pinterest and are to pretty not to include in any party decor
You can make them so BIG and they look VERY cool as a photo prop
Aren't they look as if they grew naturally in my little garden :D
Exactly opposite to the paper roses I decided to create a princess's little nook
I used old pallets and with the help of my crafty husband created a 120x65 cm bench .
To hide a not so smooth surface ,I sewed a lovely flowery pleated bench skirt ,added-in our old bed's headboard ,comfy mattress got a great fuchsia slip cover and on top of all,a FAB pink canopy
And it the corner of the above pic you can see the backdrop I made for the photoshoot :)
This was the most FUN project to do ever!!!
I think that if I wouldn't choose to be a fashion designer,I would for sure find myself working as a theater prop stylist or window dresser :)
To make one you'll need a large screen (I brought one from my father's work )
It was an ugly one... with bare plywood and formica-laminate coating coating on one side and stained fabric insert with formica panel on the other side...
To beautify the screen I painted numerous layers of different shades of cream and pick one on top of the other ,sprayed the top layer with gold acrylic and aged the whole deal with sand paper
To make it festive I glued oversized paper flowers and colorful bunting (bunting always make everything more festive right :)
Since I went for the photo booth effect,hubby cut a hole in the screen and we nailed an old frame to make it look like it's an interior of a home-or Beauty Salon to be exact
Here is the total look with the butterfly chandelier
P.S the little picture beside the large wooden frame ,is a beautiful illustration by Manuela De Simone Zaccardini aka DesiCloe on etsy with decorative frame by yours truly (but I'll talk about the Italian beauty who is Manuela someday later )
The reverse side of the screen got vintage like stripes and I actually decided to leave the dusty old fabric covered panel on to go with the grangy look
Of course this side got it's own old wooden frame and a gorgeous artwork as well
This one is by my dear French friend -Cherifa aka Minasmoke on etsy
Next post will be the screen in action one :D (or the second next to be exact lol )
This one is turning to be a heck of a long one,ha?!
So I'll take a break and will tell you about the food and food related decorations in the next post
I actually began to work on the party decorations almost a month and a half ahead!
That is because after 30+ years of getting to know myself I figured that I ALWAYS leave preparations for the LAST minute and then in an extreme hurry do all at ones,that is during the night of course :D
So this time I decided to plan ahead and try to finish all in time (by the way,it didn't work-I still somehow manages to leave a couple of thing till the last minute and actually was making handmade lip balms favors half an hour before Sierra's friends had arrive...)
Well.that's me and that's how I roll,so I guess there is nothing I can do about it,I like working in stress!
P r e p a r a t i o n s
I started with Sierra's dress
I decided to go for a full skirt with hand sewn tulle rosettes and sequin strapless sew on top!
It took me 3 whole days to finish the skirt only-I truly learned to appreciate those who make the rosette fabrics you see on the bridal gowns this season. It's a CRAZY time consuming project!!!
But the heart wants what the head had design and so after investing literally days on the skirt I was VERY pleased with the result
Then was the time to make the party decorations :)
A while back I saw on pinterest these lovely dolly ball decorations which I really liked and immediately knew that I have to make them for some party and here came my chance :-)
As usual I couldn't find colorful dollies here locally so I had to order them from the US ...
I found the prettiest pink dollies on E-Bay and even got some red ones as a freebie with my order :)
This was fairly quick project with absolutely stunning results
After I finished with these cuties I wanted to make yet another Pinterest project-Butterflies Mobile
Now this one was on my to do list for a very long time ...Let me tell you one thing,if you don't have Silhouette cutter or too much time on your hands,don't try to make this one!!!
Even with Silhouette it took days to cut all the butterflies !
The one thing I liked about making this mobile other then the beautiful result is that I could have get rid of all the paper scraps I had laying around for years without been used
I made the base from all upcycled materials of course (you know me,I'm not the one to go and buy things to make things...)
And so,the upper small circle was made of bicycle's pedal gear and the big bottom circle was made of tunnel for electrical wires I took from my hubby's stash .
Initially ,I wanted to use Michael's old twisted bicycle's wheel but it was just to big .Then I wanted to take one from Sierra's old bikes which would have been perfect,but she didn't let me :D ,so I went with the tunnel ^^ After I found the bases ,I cut hundreds of butterflies and glued them onto the bases.
I attached the bases to each other with 3 wide ribbons and added leaf die cuts between the spaces
To hang the mobile I took a plastic cone from ended sewing thread ,stack a wine cork into it and screwed a hook in it (upcycling EVERYWHERE I tell you lol)
To complete the royal chandelier I added some blings and vu a la a Butterfly galore
What next...what next...GIANT paper flowers of course :)
These were also found on pinterest and are to pretty not to include in any party decor
You can make them so BIG and they look VERY cool as a photo prop
Aren't they look as if they grew naturally in my little garden :D
Exactly opposite to the paper roses I decided to create a princess's little nook
I used old pallets and with the help of my crafty husband created a 120x65 cm bench .
To hide a not so smooth surface ,I sewed a lovely flowery pleated bench skirt ,added-in our old bed's headboard ,comfy mattress got a great fuchsia slip cover and on top of all,a FAB pink canopy
And it the corner of the above pic you can see the backdrop I made for the photoshoot :)
This was the most FUN project to do ever!!!
I think that if I wouldn't choose to be a fashion designer,I would for sure find myself working as a theater prop stylist or window dresser :)
To make one you'll need a large screen (I brought one from my father's work )
It was an ugly one... with bare plywood and formica-laminate coating coating on one side and stained fabric insert with formica panel on the other side...
To beautify the screen I painted numerous layers of different shades of cream and pick one on top of the other ,sprayed the top layer with gold acrylic and aged the whole deal with sand paper
To make it festive I glued oversized paper flowers and colorful bunting (bunting always make everything more festive right :)
Since I went for the photo booth effect,hubby cut a hole in the screen and we nailed an old frame to make it look like it's an interior of a home-or Beauty Salon to be exact
Here is the total look with the butterfly chandelier
P.S the little picture beside the large wooden frame ,is a beautiful illustration by Manuela De Simone Zaccardini aka DesiCloe on etsy with decorative frame by yours truly (but I'll talk about the Italian beauty who is Manuela someday later )
The reverse side of the screen got vintage like stripes and I actually decided to leave the dusty old fabric covered panel on to go with the grangy look
Of course this side got it's own old wooden frame and a gorgeous artwork as well
This one is by my dear French friend -Cherifa aka Minasmoke on etsy
This one is turning to be a heck of a long one,ha?!
So I'll take a break and will tell you about the food and food related decorations in the next post
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