Monday, August 24, 2015

Birthday Season part II - Sierra's 8th birthday 'Birds & Butterflies'

By Viki Tiamat

Three month after we have celebrated Sheluvi's B-Day and only 2 weeks after our third little princess Sage was born , I through an 8th Birthday bash  for our oldest princess Sierra.
This time the theme was 'Birds & Butterflies'

For the invitations I went for an 'Exploding Card' or  'Card in a Box'
Every single card was handmade and had a little birdie and butterflies in it-all were done in party chosen theme colors of lime and fuchsia

Each card was a little bit different and completely OOAK

{By the way, if you would like for me to write up a quick tut on how to make these little boxes stuffed with colorful pop ups,drop me a line in the message section bellow and I gladly will! }

So I made 10 of these puppies and we were ready to go PARTY

Let me tell you something, for me each of my girl's birthdays is like a little Christmas :)
And since we are not celebrating Christmas being Jewish, each chance I have to open my party decoration box it feels  just a tiny winy like Christmas in July.
And when the day of the birthday arrives ,I can't wait to put my hands on all of my bunting and paper balls-is it just me or you all feel like this?!

This birthday as I mention before was all butterflies and birds,so the craft table was decorated accordingly-
 I used a lime table cloth with natural burlap runner I got from Canvas Corp Brand  on top  to emphasize the earthiness of the design ,added a piece of driftwood and spread lots and lots of butterflies all over

Each of Sierra's girlfriends got a treat bag with butterfly name tag on top and butterfly craft kit inside

And my little, big princess Sierra was shining from happiness :) 

This time I did use fondant for the top of the cake ,but went with the trend of the 'Naked Cake' for the sides.

I decided to kind of copy the bird and butterflies invitations I have done ,so I drew the bird from the napkin I used to make the actual invites.

Coconut cake with lime frosting
I you will see, I baked like crazy throughout the weekend so that the dessert table will carry all the cookies Sierra loves

Extra rich Chocolate cookies
Everything was home made from start to bottom -even the dessert trays

The mini donuts were colored in lime and pink too :)
Lime flavored mini donuts
The alfajores stayed creamy white but were just delish :P

Popcorn ,cause everybody loves popcorn including the birdies 
And the drinks were squeezed out of fresh ,locally grown and self picked passion fruits and nectarines 

Of course the show stiller was the candy man again ...and note to self would be to have learn the lesson and bring out the fairy floss maker at the end of the party instead of the beginning of it!!!!
The kids stood in line to get some sugar on a stick and almost non of the desserts I have done were even touched (well ...more stayed for us so it was a win,win situation anyway lol )

So all that is left is to wish our big precious girl a Happy 8th Birthday !!!
We LOVE you so much
Mommy,Daddy,Sheluvi and Sagie


Birthday Season has BEGAN - Sheluvi's Fairy party

 By Viki Tiamat

Soooo here came the party season of our little bear family and first birthday to be celebrated is Sheluvi's
Sheluv is gonna turn 4 this year and this is her very first party to celebrate with her kinder garden friends.  As a true princess she asked for a Fairy themed party and I as her own privet Fairy Mother started the hectic preps.
As you all know, each fairy tail begins with magical invitation and since the birthday is in Passover times I wanted to go with the decorated Fairy Egg "hidden message" invitations.

 Each egg was drained from content ,boiled, dried and hand decorated!
Then a tini, tiny invitation was rolled and inserted in among some fairy dust glitter.

{By the way,if you want me to write a quick tut on how  all this loveliness was done,drop me a a line in the message section below and I gladly will }

After the invites were ready and given, it was so much FUN watching how the kids broke them!!!
The surprised look on their twinkling eyes when the glitter flew out and the overall magical vibe these hidden message fairy eggs created for everyone of us were all well worth the time spent on making them

And then...after the hard work on the invitation eggs has been completed  the real labor began- the DESSERTS making... ta dam!!!
I've planned a whole list of them but the most time consuming /work intensive were the decorated Fairy Cake and the party favor chocolate "kinder" like huge surprise eggs

The tempering of the chocolate...mold coating ...finger licking and the nerve racking of them all-taking out the chocolate eggs from the molds... OMGosh, my eggs were shaking ...literally :P

The crafty part of this activity other than the activity of making the actual eggs was given upon honor to the big sister-Sierra who proudly and very creatively made ALL the little surprises that went into the eggs

for the boys
for the girlies

Sierra and I carefully packed all of them ,put a credit sticker on each and placed them into the eggs

Of course all were sealed with a second half of a chocolate heaven delight and went into cute little treat baggies that I forgot to take pictures of

Next came the cake!
Usually I would make a MMF (marshmallow fondant ) decorated cake,but this time I decided to go with less sugar and more healthy calories so....chocolate decorations it was!

Here comes THE Cake

And happily ever after the B-Day arrived

Decorations were hang

Dessert table was set under the enchanting tree

 Sweets and Treats were all over

Almond bites and Peanut cupcakes
Mini Donuts
Fruity Fairy Wands
Milk bottles

Russian dessert-Zdeffir

Freshly squeezed Orange juice
Then...The Candy Man arrived with Fairy Floss

and spread much happiness around our little fairy guests

After so many calories consumed we had a blast crafting with the kiddos using my new DIY necklace/mobile kit

And all in all, our little kitty cheerfully celebrated her 4th Fairy Birthday 
We LOVE you our sweetheart and wish you MANY,MANY more awesome birthdays to come

Sheluvi and the attitude 

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