Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cloth Diaper Fashionista

As I told you in my last post,I'm planning to try and use cloth diapers!
I collected some diaper patterns from around the web,and made a trail test to see which pattern I like the most
Here are some cuties I made  using my favorite pattern 

I tried both options-one that will work with safety pin closure and one with velcro.
I plan on buying the snap tool as well ,so I will be able to make the snap closing diapers too and decide what works the best for my needs

And here is the diaper I want to use when I will be taking my little princess to meet the real world- 
A cupcake diaper and it's matching tutu skirt

NO outfit will be perfect without a matching tights and shoes!!!!
so why not,I sewed a funky striped tights and tiny ballerina Mary-Janes  shoes finish it all, I made a totally girly matchy,matchy full skirt collar ruffled dress (lets just hope for a good weather :)  and for "lazy Lizy" to finally arrive


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