Sunday, April 14, 2013

Something Old/Something New

April's XYRON DT Challenge theme is "Something Old/Something New"
This challenge is right up my alley :) I LOVE giving to old things a new life!!! 
So this one was a great pleasure for me
My assignment  for  this great theme was -Table Centerpiece

The challenge was to choose an old yet very popular ( most viewed/most pinned ) project listed on and make something NEW insired by that project.

I chosed the "Summer Centerpiece" by Kay Brown as my "old" inspiration
As you can see, this is a cute ,girly centerpiece  design with pretty ,colourful paper  flowers placed  in a metal tin .
  So I knew I will make something flowery and feminine ,but I yet to decide how I want to approach  this. Then ,I saw this strange piece of metal thrown in my garden-it was a piece leftover from my broken washing machine which I had my hubby  tear apart for it's drum, to make a fire pit  out of (idea I saw on Pinterest where-else ) And right then on the spot my Muses did their magic and my Table centerpiece was born

So here it is, little piece of metal laying near my herbs crying for attention...Not a tin,yet can hold my paper flowers...  What can be better than that -taking something old and broken and make a new version of a Summer Centerpiece (which by the way, can also be used as Wall Hanging ,Door Wreath or even a LAMP) 
Here is how I did mine-

So, Good Luck with your crafting and I'll see'ya soon



  1. I love this idea! Your flowers are beautiful. It's great the way it works as a centerpiece or wreath - very pretty!

  2. You used a washing machine piece?!?! You are CRAZY AMAZING and this is just stunning!


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