Friday, December 31, 2010

Inspiration Poem for the beginning of the New Year-Journey to Ithaka

When you start on your journey to Ithaca,
then pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
Do not fear the Lestrygonians (*)
and the Cyclopes and the angry Poseidon.
You will never meet such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine emotion
touches your body and your spirit.
You will never meet the Lestrygonians,
the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not raise them up before you.

Then pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many,
that you will enter ports seen for the first time
with such pleasure, with such joy!
Stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and corals, amber and ebony,
and pleasurable perfumes of all kinds,
buy as many pleasurable perfumes as you can;
visit hosts of Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from those who have knowledge.

Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
to arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all that you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.

Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have taken the road.
But she has nothing more to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.
With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,
you must surely have understood by then what Ithaca means.

-- Constantine Cavafy (translated by Rae Dalven)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My new Business Cards

So,I've got a Silhouette cutter machine for my 29th Birthday as a gift from my father in law and I can't stop being excited about it and finding new things to do with it...

One of the things I had to do for my business was creating a unique business cards !!!

Since I started my PettiBear shop, I'm sending with each order a pettibar cookie.
What is "pettibar" cookie you ask...?!
Well, "pettibar" is the Israeli version of Le Petit Beurre :)

And what is the connection of the cookie to my shop...?!
Here is the story-
My husband’s name is Michael aka Misha or Mishka as I lovingly call him, which translates from Russian as “little BEAR”

When my daughter Sierra was born, she looked just like my husband so everyone called her
“malenkaya Mishka” = tiny bear

At that time, I also opened a local cake decoration business and had mess a lot with sweets :-D
One day ,while standing in my kitchen holding a pettibar in my hand, it stroke me!!!!
The name of the cookie, is the perfect name for my FASHION shop!
“petty”= little
“bar”= treat
BUT...what is the connection again...?
“bar” as it pronounces in Hebrew, actually sounds like “bear”
and that’s how PETTIBEAR was born.

The perfect wordplay!!! The combination of Petty & Bar/Bear...
The name which beautifully combines the two pasions in my life-
my BEAR family and creating little treats for my customers

So for a year now,I'm sending one cookie wrapped in cellophane with each order,but it just wasn't good enough for me.
I searched the web for a creative business card designs and has collected so much great ideas my mind was blown away!
The problem was,I haven't had the ability to make most of the ideas as they required cutting or pressing tools I just didn't have till NOW!!!!

Thanks to my Silhouette cutter,I now can make almost any of my ideas into a reality !!!

I decided to create a unique library pocket with a twist to hold my cookie in-
The front is cut with I PettiBear (at least I hope you do ) while the cuts reviling the little treat inside.
While on the back,the regular pocket fold was replaced with a fold shaped with my BEAR logo and the needed information to get in touch with me :)
I think it has turned out pretty cool-what do you say?

And here are some great business card ideas I collected from the web for further inspiration

For yarn and knitted goods sellers why won't you add some fluff

A card that grows little plants when placed into water made for a gardener or terrarium makers

or this version for you to plant the seeds

And how cool is that for a hair accessories makers

Some vintage touch for you?

scrap it of or pull in out...

or just recycle!!!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Petit Kitchen and YelaDisco's BIG GIVEAWAY

I'm a big FAN of Efrat Kuller Melamed's Artoholic-Rubbit blog and her sub-blog YelaDisco -a creative parenting blog in which she currently runs a fabulous GIVEAWAY sponsored by no less talented Ofra Ron Mazor ,who owns the cutest online kids shop ever "PetitKitchen".

At the Petit Kitchen you will have the chance to get some beautifully naive kids wooden petit kitchens designed with a lot of charm and grace

But, in addition to that,you also will find the cutest ever wooden accessories to compliment these adorable kitchens!!! Here are the sets I liked the most-
Breakfast set

La petite pâtissière (sweets and cakes set)

and if you about to open a bakery to make these sweet cakes, you'll must have the Bakers set on your hands

And now for the BIG NEWS:
As a launching celebration of these adorable Japanese wooden toys from PetitKitchen line,
a great deal is offered -for every purchased Petit Kitchen (except the Uri model) during January 2011, one set of customer's choice will be granted for FREE!!!
The value of the gift is 350 IL (not bad haaa? )

Also, if your heart desires for more then one set,why won't you try and win another one in this AWESOME GIVEAWAY I've talked about in the beginning of the post-

All you need to do is write a post about this giveaway+ link to PetitKitchen online shop
( ) +link to YelaDisco blog ( ) on your blog/facebook page/ Twitter and link back to your post in a comment on the YelaDisco giveaway blog post

Each link you'll provide will give you a better chance to win one of these cute sets (there are 3!!! sets on this giveaway to try and win= 3 BIG winners will be randomly chosen)

* You can just copy paste :for every purchased Petit Kitchen (except the Uri model) during January 2011, one set of customer's choice will be granted for FREE!!!
The value of the gift is 350 IL

You'll earn another entry if you'll LIKE YelaDisco Fan page of Facebook

Don't forget to leave your Name in your comment and while you're at this, write which set you'd like to get the most :)

The winners will be announced on Feb 1st 2011 on the YelaDisco blog
This giveaway is for ISRAELI residents ONLY !!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Renovation at my father in law's

Me and my hubby use to be a renovation team-he made decorative drywalls and I was in charge of the design process and artistic wall painting.
Time gone by and he moved on to better things ,while I still do my art and loving it!
From time to time we still getting our hands dirty and tackle with an occasional renovation project-this month we had two!!!
My sister got a new apartment which I help designing and my father in law decided to freshen up his home...
I have taken some before and after photos of my father in law's living area which got a major face lift!
It and his bedroom (pics of the bedroom will follow in a different post) have changed so much I had to share this with you


Plain white walls with VERY old furniture (you can call them vintage since they were more then 20 years old...but, I won't cause to me they were just ugly )


The walls were painted in a Beautiful Antique Rose shade and new IKEA furniture were purchased-
Wall/bridging shelf which connects two HEMNES bookcases and provides space for a large flat screen TV, and a matching TV unit.

I LOVE the Shabby Chic look of these and decided to add some extra touch by adding a tree branch with birdcage decal I designed in the space between the wall shelf and the TV
(*I wasn't the one who had accessories the bookcases though...That was my father in law work)

The opposite wall got a darker shade of Antiqued Rose and a brand new all white GORGEOUS EKTORP Corner sofa (I didn't take any pics of it yet as the wall requires some more Viki's charm :)
I want to hung a really large distressed Shabby mirror on the wall above the sofa and as I'll do that,I'll update the post with some pics of the EKTROP beauty

Curious.... come back for the follow up :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Machinaruim Top

Remember the design I made for Machinarium T-shirt???
Well ,here how the actual top looks like after printing

I had quite a bit of unexpected problems making this particular screen-for some reason it kept ruining :(
The first screen got these nasty bubbles which made the image to peel out after burning and washing process ...
The second attempt got ruined again! For some reason I just couldn't reveal the design while washing the screen ...
and the third attempt didn't turn out that good either,but this time I managed to fix it and print this cute geek T-shirt :)

And even though I won't be able to use this last screen for more printing project and will have to redo it again, the important thing is that the T-shirt is done and ready to be shipped to a VERY talented lady in the US and I'm really excited about that

Monday, December 20, 2010

Woot...Woot...what a Hoot

A HUGE update!!!

Finally, after L O N G and H A R D work, my Bead Embroidered Owl Purse is available for purchasing in my shop!!!

The bag is made in ginger fuax suede, and is lined in colorful cotton.

It comes with magnetic closure and very long strap.
I also added a D buckle and a swivel lobster claw snap for your keys or whatever on the side of the bag
Even though it looks small,this bag is big enough to keep all your essential (mobile phone, keys, lipstick, small wallet/purse, perfect for an evening out!

Width: 7” (17 cm)
Height: 8” ( 20 cm)
Depth: 1 ¼” ( 3.5 cm)
Strap length: 28” ( 71 cm)

♥Please note that this little owl bag is a MADE TO ORDER piece,thus will be made from scratch for you!
Since NO handmade article can be exactly duplicated,please bare in mind that your purse might be slightly different than the one shown.
Though it will be done as closely to the original as it can be ,slight difference will most DEF occur as this is the nature of handmade creation and that is exactly what makes it that unique!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

cool stuff

My PEACE asymmetrical hand screen-printed top is in a "cool stuff" treasury by CocoandChia
And there are VERY cool stuff in did-I especially love the vintage field medical kit-it's awesome

Now,how about we will learn something about the talented curated of this great cluster-I sure found some pretty cool stuff in her etsy shoppie!
So meet Anne's creations from her COCOandCHIA shop

A handcrafted, modern metal jewelry and objects happily made by CocoandChia from reclaimed precious metals, natural gemstones, recycled and non-conflict diamonds

And how about a Short BIO-

"My name is Anne and I am a full-time metalsmith in my studio near Boston.
Clean, uncluttered designs are what appeal to me most - that is what I find myself wearing and not getting tired of".

"I spent several years apprenticing with some amazing jewelers and worked in jewelry repair at the same time. It is a great way to learn.
I now make a living producing jewelry for a fabulous jeweler in New York and creating my own designs here".

Anne,it is clear to me you have a great taste and I was very happy to earn the chance to get familiar with your fabulous work!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dreamy painter, visual artist and a graphic designer...Who Me?...No... my dear friend Minasmoke

I don't remember exactly when I meet Cherifa aka Minasmoke, but I sure happy I had!!!
She is very sweet and gentle person and although we live pretty far away from each other (me in Israel as you know, and she is in France...), I consider her a good friend.
I do remember I first got to know Minasmoke through twitter, and as I saw her amazing works , I immediately offered her to work with me-she will do her awesome illustrations and I'll do my best to transfer them to fashion...That is how our little "love affair" has began :)

And why am I telling you all this you ask...Because we work on a new line of maternity and regular T-shirts and tops with absolutely stunning illustrations and I can't hold it in me anymore!
Since I yet to make the actual screens for most of the designs Cherifa has created ,I can show you only a digital mock ups that I sure you will fall in love with...

our soon to be new fashion T-shirts line

And.. here is a beauty I already have on screen,but it yet to be listed in the shops since she waits for her girlfriends :)

Between the Lines

Smoked dress patched with "Between the Lines" print and quilted fabric flowers and ribbons

and you all must already know our Alice in Wonderland T-shirt which is available for purchasing here keep you drooling, I also collected some of my favorites from Minasmoke's shop

My Ikea decorated frames hosting GORGEOUS La Boheme and Sakura postcards I own :)


and to sum it all...

I sure you all can see now why I LOVE Cherifa's works so much and I promise to update you as soon as our new line will be available in the shops for your purchasing pleasure :)
Till then, drop by here for more Minasmoke

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


One of my favorite etsy artist is Anne Julie Aubry aka TheNebulousKingdom

Some time ago I'd purchase a gorgeous postcard from her and got so much love back that when I heard about the GIVEAWAY Anne Julie is sponsoring at the Sugarsticks Parties blog I had to share this with you...
The big price to win is a POCKET MIRROR with the “BLUE FIELD MEMORIES” art
Isn't it GREAT!!!!

And since I'm already talking about the Nebulous Kingdom, I thought I'll share my favorites with you... I'll start with the works that decorate my bedroom

Both art postcards are framed in simple IKEA frames that I had decorate according to the style of the prints

I also have the beautiful Snow White Postcard which is still humbly waits to be framed (soon my
dear...soon :)

And here are some illustrations and accessories I wouldn't mind at all to own

All works are so enchanting and fantastically beautiful and I really love them all!

For more of The Nebulous Kingdom go here
official website
Her lovely blog

More links:

I'll cross my fingers to win the giveaway - it will make such a great Birthday gift to myself...hint to God and you...cross your fingers for me too lol!!!

And the most important thing is XO to the lovely Anne Julie
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